
Chimex artichoke vitae plus
Chimex artichoke vitae plus

chimex artichoke vitae plus

丌 【pinyin: jī 】 “pedestal” component in Chinese characters 脊 【pinyin: jǐ 】 spine back ridge Taiwan pr.jí orjǐ 济 【pinyin: Jǐ 】 used in place names associated with the Ji River 濟水|济水[Jǐ Shuǐ surname Ji 泲 【pinyin: jǐ 】 clear wine name of a river 挤 【pinyin: jǐ 】 【粤: zai1 】 to crowd in to cram in to force others aside to press to squeeze to find (time in one’s busy schedule) 戟 【pinyin: jǐ 】 halberd long-handled weapon with pointed tip and crescent blade combined spear and battle-ax 己 【pinyin: jǐ 】 self oneself sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shí tiān gān sixth in order letter “F” or Roman “VI” in list “A, B, C”, or “I, II, III” etc hexa 几 【pinyin: jǐ 】 how much how many several a few 𪟝 【pinyin: jì 】 variant of 績|绩[jì merit accomplishment 髻 【pinyin: jì 】 hair rolled up in a bun, topknot

chimex artichoke vitae plus

骥 【pinyin: jì 】 thoroughbred horse refined and virtuous 骑 【pinyin: jì 】 (Taiwan) saddle horse mounted soldier 际 【pinyin: jì 】 border edge boundary interval between inter- to meet time occasion to meet with (circumstances) 迹 【pinyin: jì 】 footprint mark trace vestige sign indication Taiwan pr.jī 记 【pinyin: jì 】 【粤: gei3 】 to record to note to memorize to remember mark sign classifier for blows, kicks, shots 计 【pinyin: jì 】 to calculate to compute to count to regard as important to plan ruse meter gauge 蔇 【pinyin: jì 】 luxuriant growth extreme reach 蓟 【pinyin: Jì 】 surname Ji ancient Chinese city state near modern day Beijing 芰 【pinyin: jì 】 Trapa natans water caltrop 绩 【pinyin: jì 】 to spin (hemp etc) merit accomplishment Taiwan pr.jī 继 【pinyin: jì 】 【粤: gai3 】 to continue to follow after to go on with to succeed to inherit then afterwards 纪 【pinyin: jì 】 order discipline age era period to chronicle 系 【pinyin: jì 】 to tie to fasten to button up 穧 【pinyin: jì 】 stack grain stalks evenly 稷 【pinyin: jì 】 millet God of cereals worshiped by ancient rulers minister of agriculture 祭 【pinyin: jì 】 to offer sacrifice festive occasion 瘈 【pinyin: jì 】 furious hydrophobia madness 济 【pinyin: jì 】 to cross a river to aid or relieve to be of help 檵 【pinyin: jì 】 fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub 暨 【pinyin: jì 】 and to reach to the limits 既 【pinyin: jì 】 already since both… (and…) 忌 【pinyin: jì 】 to be jealous of fear dread scruple to avoid or abstain from to quit to give up sth

chimex artichoke vitae plus

彐 【pinyin: jì 】 pig snout (Kangxi radical 58) 寄 【pinyin: jì 】 to send to mail to entrust to depend on to attach oneself to to live (in a house) to lodge foster (son etc) 寂 【pinyin: jì 】 silent solitary Taiwan pr.jí 季 【pinyin: jì 】 season the last month of a season fourth or youngest amongst brothers classifier for seasonal crop yields 塈 【pinyin: jì 】 (literary) to plaster to pick up to rest 冀 【pinyin: Jì 】 short name for Hebei 河北 province surname Ji 偈 【pinyin: jì 】 【粤: gai6 】 Buddhist hymn gatha Buddhist verse 伎 【pinyin: jì 】 artistry talent skill (in ancient times) female entertainer

#Chimex artichoke vitae plus series#

集 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: zaap6 】 to gather to collect collected works classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode 辑 【pinyin: jí 】 to gather up to collect to edit to compile 藉 【pinyin: jí 】 to insult to walk all over (sb) 芨 【pinyin: jí 】 Bletilla hyacinthina (mucilaginous) Acronym for the Chinese Elder tree 菫草 级 【pinyin: jí 】 level grade rank step (of stairs) CL:個|个[gè classifier: step, level 籍 【pinyin: jí 】 book or record registry roll place of one’s family or ancestral records membership 疾 【pinyin: jí 】 sickness disease hate envy swift 极 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: gik6 】 extremely pole (geography, physics) utmost top 戢 【pinyin: jí 】 to restrain oneself to collect to hoard to store up to cease 急 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: gap1 】 urgent pressing rapid hurried worried to make (sb) anxious 岌 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: kap1 】 lofty peak perilous 嫉 【pinyin: jí 】 jealousy to be jealous of 吉 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: gat1 】 lucky giga- (meaning billion or 10^9) 吉 【pinyin: Jí 】 【粤: gat1 】 surname Ji abbr. 及 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: kap6 】 and to reach up to in time for prompt at once at present even if prompted (by the occasion) to approach to come into contact to assume (office) to draw near 屐 【pinyin: jī 】 【粤: kek6 】 (adjective) (figurative) Work too hard (with feeling of dejected) 墼 【pinyin: jī 】 【粤: gik1 】 unburned brick 撠 【pinyin: jǐ 】 【粤: gik1 】 verb strike, stab, grasp stuck a commonly used last character of a shop name address after one’s name who is very close 2. 继 【pinyin: jì 】 【粤: gai3 】 (adjective) (of familiar members) Step- (e.g.

chimex artichoke vitae plus

偈 【pinyin: jì 】 【粤: gai6 】 chat conversation (Cantonese) 集 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: zaap6 】 (noun) Classifier for book series 揤 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: zat1 / zeot1 】 to squeeze in to rub 急 【pinyin: jí 】 【粤: gap1 】 an urge to urinate or excrete (Cantonese)

Chimex artichoke vitae plus